The digital transformation of logistics with Mapify

June 28, 2023

17:00 CEST

37 Minutes

Webinar "The digital transformation of logistics with Mapify"

Sandro Batista

Managing Partner Focus BC

Mário Sobral

Technical Manager Focus BC

Andre Sá

Professor Polytechnic Institute of Guarda

We just had our first webinar! In this Webinar, we dwelved into the digital transformation of logistics and showcased the power of Mapify in this area.

What to expect

Using a demo specially crafted for this webinar, we demonstrated how location intelligence can drive efficiency and improve decision-making in the logistics sector. Our expert team, Sandro Batista and Mário Sobral, went through the demo step by step.

  1. Real-time Vehicle Tracking: Discover how Mapify enables you to track vehicles and related sensors in real-time, gaining valuable insights into their location and status.
  2. Alerts for Sensor Value Changes: Learn how you can set up alerts to instantly notify you of any changes in sensor values, ensuring proactive monitoring and rapid response to potential issues.
  3. Optimizing Cargo Transfer: Explore how Mapify is able to identify the nearest available vehicles for cargo transfer in case of an issue, ensuring timely and efficient delivery.
  4. Real-time Parking Slot Availability: See how Mapify is able to provide you with real-time parking slot availability information, allowing you to quickly see which slots are free or occupied and schedule accordingly.

Sandro and Mário were joined by our guest, André Sá. He is a lecturer at the Polytechnic Institute of Guarda, where he also serves as the Director of the Surveying Engineering course.

How to attend

The webinar has already ended. Follow us on LinkedIn to be the first to register for our next webinar!
You can acess the webinar VOD on our LinkedIn Page and on YouTube.